Dr Roller UK

Dr Roller UK

Dr. roller is a hand held rolling device that naturally induces the production of collagen and elastin in the epidermis of the skin. It is a premium quality derma roller that has earned the reputation of being one of the best derma rollers available in the market today. Dr. rollers are sterilized and come with medical grade stainless needles, which make it safe for repeated use over the skin.


The main reason that our skin wilts with age is because the levels of collagen in the epidermis reduce over time. This is the reason why our skin develops wrinkles and starts to retain acne scars. Also, the skin looses it ability to fight against sun damage, and the impact of daily wear and tear from dirt and pollution. Repeated layers of dirt clog the skin pores, which prevents proper penetration of nutrients and skin care products that leads to dull looking old skin.



In the past people has been getting expensive laser therapies to get their skin revitalized, but that’s old story now. The better, more effective and economical way is use of Dr. Derma Rollers. Easy to use, safe and effective, the product is must try.

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Frequently Asked Questions with Dermarolling

Q. What is a Derma, Skin or Micro-Needling Roller and how does it work?

  1. The derma or skin roller is an instrument consisting of a heavy duty plastic roller head covered in high quality titanium needles. The needles are designed to penetrate the stratum corneum, conium the hard outer surface of the epidermal layer of the skin, body or scalp. Hundreds of tiny channels are created through the stratum corneum, which facilitate the passage and absorption of your skin care product, or minoxidil for hair restoration into the dermis, to maximize its absorption. It gently exfoliates excess skin cells which contribute to hair follicle malnutrition, scaring or premature aging, and ultimately hair follicle failure, wrinkles, stretch marks, cellulite and scars. The roller stimulates blood flow to the surface, gives a skin massage, cleans out the pores and stimulates collagen re-growth. 


Q. I have just used the skin roller for the first time. It was ok on the first day but now 2 days later I have red bumpy patches on my cheeks and forehead. It looks like I have acne?

A. If sounds as though you have released toxins/old collagen fibers from below the surface of your skin, which is good of course. Just keep the area clean and do not use the skin roller again until your face is clear. You can use moisturizer. The renewing skin cycle/new collagen regrowth is 4-6 weeks.

Q. Does it hurt?

A. The needles on the roller and stamp are long enough to assist in the penetration of your skin care product, but will not damage the skin or scalp in any way. It is normal for the skin or skin or scalp to be a little sensitive when scalp rolling is first commenced, but most people report no problems after a few days.

Q. So do you have to use an anesthetic gel or cream?

A. Some people use the numbing cream for cellulite and face needling. Like Dr. Numb Numbing Cream


Q. Can the derma or skin roller be used on veins and broken blood vessels or spider veins?

A. Yes you can use the skin roller on veins close on the surface of face and body – Derma rolling helps to break up larger blood vessels. A derma or skin roller is like a rolling pin to which many, tiny, thin, acupuncture-like needles are attached, can be used to crisscross the dilated blood vessels. Disrupting them like this promotes their disappearance. Healing is usually complete in a few days and treatments may be repeated at monthly intervals as needed.

Q. Can I use the skin roller on my face if I have active acne.

A. No it will make the acne spread.

Q. Do you have to use a cream or product with the roller?

A. After rolling use a good quality product (cream or oil) ingredient try our

Q. What cream should I use after rolling.

A. We have developed, a proven successful, all natural skin care products.


Q. How long to see results?

A. All skin is different so we cant give a definite time frame re results, but as you roll your skin will feel lighter, tighter and brighter almost immediately. If you are treating scars or wrinkles you will see results each week as they skin changes and collagen re-grows, then after 1-3 months deeper results.

Q. How long does the skin roller last?

A. Our skin rollers are very high quality so with care of the roller, and with continual use, it will last 6-8 months – the needles don’t wear out as such as they are medical grade, but with continual use they will eventually become blunt just as an expensive razor would.

Q. Can I use a skin roller when breast feeding or pregnant?

A. The reason it is said not to use a dermaroller when pregnant, lactating and feeding is that the body needs all of its vitamins to feed the baby. So as the production of new collagen uses some vitamins, it is best not to use the dermaroller at this time.

Q. Do you need to be more careful in the sun after rolling?

A. No, sun-sensitivity is not induced because of needling.

Q. What are the names used for needling?

A. Needling is also called Dermarolling, Collagen-Induction-Therapy (CIT), Skin rolling, derma rolling, and skin needling, PCI micro needling (Percutaneous Collagen Induction), Micro needle Therapy and mesorolling.

Q: What does needle gauge mean?

A: The gauge of the needles is weather it is thick or thin. Thicker needles will cause scarring, unnecessary pain and bleeding, thinner needles will not stimulate enough collagen or elastin to be effective. Our dermaroller needles are the right gauge so do not cause these problems.



Q: What about color changes on the skin that we may see some times?

A: Discoloration is rare and generally only a ‘permanent problem’ if a 2.0 or longer needle is used, I have never seen a permanent color change, and we have been using the skin rollers in our clinic for some time. Changes in skin color can also be because of toxins migrating to the surface and then the color (patches) fade out as you keep rolling. Also old collagen fibers break down as you roll, and as the skin is uneven, there may look like changes in color in patches, but this is temporary. New color also comes to the skin naturally as you roll, as in a healthy glow, as pores are cleaned out and new collagen grows. So that would be the color you are supposed to be, as in a healthy skin tone. I wouldn’t suggest you use any chemical on the color change, just keep rolling and allow it to balance out naturally – if it ever does occur.

Q. So rolling creates channels or holes in the skin do they stay open and absorb dirt as well?

A. No the tiny channels quickly close over, within the hour.

Q. Does the Skin Roller damage the skin?

A. No, there have been no reports of side effects with the Roller. The Nova Skin Roller penetrates the stratum corneum (top skin layer), where tiny needles form infiltration channels for a short space of time. The extreme slim needle-tips push the scales of the epidermis only aside, but they do not destroy them. The infiltration channels are closed in less than an hour. With shaving it’s a fact that the sharp razor blades remove part of the stratum corneum but there are no reports that this centuries old procedure of shaving has any negative effect to the skin.

Q. How long should you roll?

A. The needling or rolling with the skin roller is not determined by time. More importantly are the numbers of roll-movements over a certain skin-area. Ten (10) roll-movements set 160 pricks per square centimeter (15 times about 240 pricks). It should not take more than 3-5 minutes.

Q. How should I roll?

A. With your free hand hold the skin putting it under some slight tension. Place the skin roller on the skin and roll with a constant movement to the end of the skin area. Roll two or three times over the same spot back and forth over the skin and in different directions.


Q. Do I need to sterilize my roller after use?

A. Yes it is essential to keep your roller in a clean and sterile condition. Wash in hot running water after every use. Then once a week stand head first in half your plastic cylinder (that the roller comes in) of disinfectant for about half an hour. Shake of excess liquid and allow to dry on clean towel or paper towel. Put cap on and store in clean sealed container – supplied. Don’t ever share your roller due to probable cross contamination.

Q. What type of disinfectant should I use?

A. Just buy a small bottle of disinfectant from the first-aid section of your supermarket or pharmacy. Fill your plastic cylinder 1/4 full with disinfectant, and 1/4 water, so the cylinder is half full. Put roller in head first for about 1/2 an hour. This sterilizes your roller as well as plastic cylinder you store it in.

Q. How deep does the Skin Roller go into the skin?

A. Dr Roller only sets penetration channels into the epidermis. The roller will only go as deep as the short needles are. See diagram on Medical Stuff page.

Q. How often can the Dr. Roller be used and how long does the roller last?

A. It can be used daily without any harm to the skin. We recommend 5 days out of 7 each week. Some people do a treatment weekly or monthly as well, or only that. With time, even the strongest needle point will lose its sharpness. When this happens the roller should be replaced. Our Skin rollers commonly loose their sharpness after 6-8 months of use. Even the best razor blade or the best scalpel will gradually loose its sharpness, this is an unfortunate fact. However you will be pleased with the use that you will get out of your skin roller. Don’t keep using the roller if the needles become blunted by lack of care of the product.

Q. What is the best way to treat stretch marks?

A. The best way to get rid of stretch marks is to do a VERY FIRM roll once a month with numbing cream (available from our website), this needs 1-2 days healing time. Be patient. Wait 4-6 weeks to see your result as your own collagen will grow and fill in the stretch marks. There should be no down time and no post application pain. You can re-treat then if necessary.

Q. Can I treat my face and arms?

A. All areas of the face, neck and body can be treated.

Q. Can I reuse my Skin Roller?

A. Yes it can be used many times. The average shelf life, with continual use, is 6-8 months.

Q. Can I just buy a Skin Roller with my friend and we use it together?

A. No, never share your Skin Roller due to probable cross infection.

Q. How fast can I expect to see results from using the derma roller. How long do I have to use it to get rid of the stretch marks completely?

A. It all depends on how deep your stretch marks are, if you roll very firmly once a month then wait for the collagen to regrow you may be looking at 3-6 months, so that is just 3-6 treatments. You will see a great improvement after each healing.

Q. What about facial warts or cold sores and using the derma or skin roller?

A. If you have any type of herpes virus dormant or otherwise you cannot use the dermaroller or dermastamp on that area. When treating above lip lines, if you have suffered from herpes complex (cold sores) in the past, make sure the dermaroller does not touch the lips or the cold sores will flare again. Facial warts if dormant may not flair when using the dermaroller but it is not worth the risk.

What’s the difference of Dermaroller between hospital use and home use?


The difference between hospital use and home use are the following: the thickness of the needle which is 0.5-2.5mm for hospitals and for home use is 0.25mm. Hospitals also use anesthesia if there were any blood but, repectively anybody can treat it for home use.


What microneedling can do for you and what needle length do you need?


Enhance the penetration of skin care or hair growth products: Maximum 0.3 mm needle length on the face and 0.5 mm on skin on the rest of the body. Our skin – a protective organ – is almost unpermeable. Dermarolling temporarily enables the absorption of skin care products into the skin.

Fine wrinkles: 1 to 1.5 mm needle length. This is a relatively minor procedure and can be done safely at home, provided you disinfect properly. Dermarolling is a safe alternative for people with skin too thin to have laser treatment.

Individual deep wrinkles: Glabella wrinkles (between the eyebrows) and deep forehead wrinkles: Use our single needle instrument.

Loose skin: 1.5 mm. You can improve loose skin anywhere on the body including the neck, the décolleté, the back of the hands, arms, abdomen, thighs etc. In the early stages of skin laxity, it can postpone or even replace a facelift. Sensitive areas with thin skin such as the neck need only 0.5 mm.

Sun damaged or aging skin: 1.0 to 1,5 mm.

Uneven pigmentation or acne spots: 0.5 mm to 1.0 mm (not to be used on moles!).

Scars: All scar treatment requires a dermaroller with 1.5 mm needles and benefit greatly from our single needle instrument to locally crush the scar tissue deeper and with a greater prick density. Look at some single needle results.

Stretchmarks:  Become less indented, less wide and the original skin color may be partially restored.

Acne scarring: Become less indented.


With deep acne scars, 1.5 mm is often not enough and 2.5 mm is required, but this is impossible to do safely at home with a dermaroller. Therefore, we supply a single needle of the right specifications (0.25 mm diameter, long taper, gamma-sterilized) to be used for home needling.


Surgical or atrophic scars: (Not keloid scars) – will soften and the original skin color may be partially restored.


Hypertrophic burn scars: Hypertrophic or burn scars (not keloids): A 1.5 or 2 mm narrow 3-liner or 1-liner. Combine it with pressure massage: Apply pressure with your fingers onto the scar for approximately 20 seconds, spot for spot. Repeat daily. Perform the pressure massage also immediately after needling or dermarolling the scar.

Skin product absorption with a Dermaroller:

 Derma roller on body instructions:

1. Roll with just the weight of the roller pressing on the skin never apply force.
2. Cleanse body and apply skincare products.
3. Use for 10-15 minutes.
4. With slight pressure roll up and down 4 times in linear/circular directions as shown. Make sure that you cover the entire body using multiple passes.
5. Focus on areas with stretch marks, cellulite, discoloration and scars as well as thighs, buttocks, underside of arms, stomach, areas with hyper/hypo pigmentations and lost elasticity.
6. Use the Roller as part of your daily routine – you can roll every day if you wish, but consider allowing your skin at least a couple of days of rest each week.
7. Never use on open pores.
8. After each use wash with warm water and soap solution.
9. Submerge roller in Hyrogen Peroxide or Achohol to disinfect.


1. Dermaroller helps build up collagen in dermis without pain or discarding epidermis.
2. Using Dermaroller helps open pores immensely which will help a great number of fast result ingredients to pass in a short period of time.
3. Dermaroller will naturally improve wrinkles without irritating the skin artificially.
4. Consistent use of dermaroller can show significant result without any adverse effect.
5. When using dermaroller it is convenient than that of other treatment and is able to show fast results.
6. Facinating results can be expected if support products such as serums, collegan masks are used.

Gently use the dermaroller on affected area while pulling the skin with one hand. When you use the dermaroller change the direction to create more pores.


1. Cleanse your face or any area that needs treatment with warm water. Use a steam towel or a facial steamer which will open the pores and then apply normal skin toner on the skin.


2. After using the dermaroller apply any product or medication. Use it once or more if neccessary.


3. Use the dermaroller 2 times per week/10-15 minutes. When using the dermaroller, use a crisscross motion from top to bottom, from left to right and diagonally. Maximum of ten thousand pores could be easily created in 10 minutes. Absorption rate of 3000% of fuctional cosmetics are expected through out the pores.


4.Lightly pat skin after applying skin care product or medication to create full absorption.


5. Apply moisturizing cream or serum to help keep your skin moisturized. Apply it several times to calm your skin and to avoid skin irratation.


  • Whitening

1~2 Weeks

5~10 Times


  • Anti-againg/Stretch marks

1~2 Weeks

5~10 Times


  • Scars

3~4 Weeks

3~5 Times


  • Atopic dermatitis

1~2 Weeks

3~5 Times


  • Acne

1 Week

5~8 Times


  • Regeneration

3~4 Weeks

3~5 Times


Clinical Results:












Microneedling is a simple office-based procedure. The area to be treated is anesthetized with topical anesthesia for 45 minutes to one hour. After preparation of the area, rolling is done 15-20 times in horizontal, vertical, and oblique directions; Petechiae or pin-point bleeding which occurs is easily controlled. After treatment, the area is wetted with saline pads. The entire procedure lasts for 15 to 20 minutes, depending on the extent of the area to be treated.

A minimum of six weeks is recommended between two treatments as it takes that long for new natural collagen to form. Three to four treatments may be needed for moderate acne scars.

Microneedling is well tolerated by patients but erythema may be seen after treatment, lasting for 2-3 days. Photoprotection for a week is advised as a routine and local antibiotic creams may be prescribed. The patients can go back to work the very next day.

Apart from erythema, no other side effects have been reported. As the microholes close immediately, postoperative infections do not occur. The procedure is well tolerated and well accepted by the patients, is cost-effective, can be done on all skin types and on areas not suitable for peeling or laser resurfacing, such as near eyes. Microneedling with dermaroller can be combined with other acne scar treatments like subcision, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, and fractional resurfacing, thus maximizing the benefits to the patients.

Home-Care dermarollers less than 0.15 mm in length are available for transdermal delivery of substances like lipopeptides and other anti-ageing products. They can be used twice a week for up to one hundred times. After use, the rollers have to be cleaned in hot tap water and shaken dry. Peptide-based roller cleansers are available.

Miniature versions of the dermaroller called dermastamps have been developed. They are used for localized scars, eg. varicella scars and their needles are 2 mm in length with a diameter of only 0.12 mm. The procedure with the derma-stamp can be performed in two minutes.


  1. Use good quality instruments—there are many instruments from different companies; using poor instruments may lead to breakage of needles in the skin.
  2. Counsel the patient that multiple sessions may be needed.
  3. Other treatments such as subcision, punch elevation may need to be combined for optimal results in acne scars.
  4. Application of EMLA cream anesthesia can prevent procedure pain and help in performing the procedure properly.
  5. Allow an interval of 4-6 weeks between the procedures to get good results.


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Derma rollers, otherwise known as derma skin rollers or micro needling rollers, This is sometimes referred to as skin needling or derma rolling. In doing this, the skin produces collagen and elastin repairing our skin. As a result, derma rollers can be used to assist with the healing and repair of any number of skin problems that have.

Derma rollers are based on ancient acupuncture techniques where micro needles are inserted into the skin to unblock energy flow throughout the body. recognized as powerful healing technique,  micro needling is now a readily accepted science. Derma rollers work somewhat in the same way.


Derma rollers can be used and its said effective in:


Acne scars and surgical scars : Scars are the result of skin tissue  damage. Once the skin gets damaged in any way, blood travels to the affected area and heal itself.


Wrinkles and anti-aging : Over time, our skin gets thinner, loses collagen and elastin and has trouble getting moisture to the top layer of our skin, the epidermis. Also, fat in subcutaneous layer, the deepest layer of skin, diminishes with age. This affects the epidermis over time, causing skin sagging and sometimes wrinkles.


Stretch marks : caused when skin is stretched too quickly. Both men and women can suffer from them. Gym enthusiast, pregnant women and teenagers (during growth) are especially given to stretch marks. Gaining weight also produce stretch marks.


Cellulite : cellulite is the name given to deposits of fat that essentially push against the connective tissue beneath a person’s skin. Left behind is a skin surface that looks dimpled,  lumpy and puckered. Strands of tissue that are fibrous connect skin to deeper layers and can separate the areas that contain fat cells. This areas can then bulge and cause a waffled appearance to the skin when fat cells increase in size.


Hair Loss/Thinning : the most widely suspected reasons has to do with DHT production. It is a hormone in our bodies which can adversely affect the hair on our heads. When DHT reaches the hair follicles, it can deprive vital nutrients from reaching hair follicles causing hair loss and thinning. Derma rolling prepare the scalp skin to assist penetration of nutrient rich hair products.



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Treating large pores with Dr. Roller


Very large pores is huge problem whatever skin type we have. It is a known that only those with oily skin suffer from large pores as it is a problem that can equally affect those with dry, sensitive, dehydrated, normal & mature skin types. And of course oil plays vital role in enlarging pores on the face hence oily skin is usually associated with large pores.

So why are large pores such a huge issue for men & women and usually where do they appear on the face?

Pores don’t really have pattern of appearance as it can appear anywhere skin becomes oily.  Common areas to find pores are the cheeks, nose and around the nose. Over a period of time when oil and dirt get gathered in the pores, they stretch in size to accommodate oil and grime, which expanding their size. Or pores exist on all face in different sizes but it’s only when they become enlarged is when it really bothers people with their appearance.

You can use ice to shrink big pores, skincare to lighten their appearance and make-up primers to fill them in but what about when you are not using any of the above and want to go  natural. Or even want a longer term solution for the problem that constantly bothers when you see yourself in the mirror. Big pores can sometimes be difficult to cover up with make-up and it can only make it worse by clogging them and enlarging them overtime.

The solution is Microneedling or Derma Roller. It is a simple device with a different sizes of needles on it and is used to resurface the skin imperfections. This is the only skincare treatment that will actually go beneath the epidermis and stimulate skin to produce more elastin and collagen. Using those two ingredients in the skin means skin will automatically appear smoother and plumper consequently leading to smaller pores that are significantly much less visible. It also works smoothing the area around the pores leaving even skin.


Derma Roller has the power to, restore, renew and resurface our skin. And not only that, regular use of Derma Roller can help balancing oil secretion in acne prone skin that can also help with smaller pores indirectly. Less oil production means less oil being accumulated in pores. This in turn means the normal existing pores won’t have to stretch to accumulate grime and oil.

before after

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Hair loss occurs in lots of people, especially mens, who are particularly prone due to a condition called  ‘androgenetic alopecia’. It is due to male hormones  “androgens” which impairs the normal hair loss/growth cycle and prevent new hair being grown.


Hairs are shed as part of this cycle but no new hair are grown to replace this which results to thinning hair and eventual loss.


This is a  condition that starts in puberty and continues into adulthood and middle age. Losing your hair, a tendency to forget things and a spreading waistline   are signs of growing older.


There are many types of treatments available for hair loss which includes dermarolling. Dermaroller helps to reduce hair loss and boosts new hair growth.


It can also treat bald patches, receding hairlines , alopecia and thinning, brittle hair.


The dermaroller is a handheld roller which is applied in back and forward motion across the skin. This is done several times  and feels like a tickling sensation.


It contains micro-needles which prick the top layer of your skin but without causing  damage. It opens up the pores of the skin which allows maximum absorption of  skincare and  haircare products such as vitamin enriched moisturizers.


In this kind of situation the dermaroller is used on your scalp but can also be used across many other areas of the body such as the arms and legs, face  and abdomen, .


In this treatment, dermaroller is passed across our scalp with the aim of stimulating circulation to ensure that  hair follicles receive an ample blood supply  . This enhancement will trigger the follicles with new hair growth.


Plus it will also stimulate production of collagen which improves elasticity, skin tone and appearance.


The  result is reduced hair loss. You need to continue with this treatment in order to maintain good results. So get have a series of treatments on a regular basis or purchase a home use dermaroller.

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Treating Surgical Scars

Dermarolling is suitable for atrophic scars but it is not recommended for hypertrophic or keloid and any other types of raised scars.


An advantage of a dermaroller is that it doesn’t cause any damage on the skin  which is reassuring if you’re concerned that this treatment may worsen scarring.


It aims is to stimulate your skin naturally  into growing collagen as repair mechanism that will also reduce your scars.


The treatment involves the use of a plastic roller which looks similar to a barrel attached with micro-needles.  These needles  puncture the skin but do not cause any pain or bleeding.



Dermaroller is moved up and down your scar tissue in a series of rhythmical strokes that has the effect of opening your pores of your skin. The pores remains open for up to an hour which means that thier at their most absorbent to the application of moisturizing creams, gel or lotions.


Maximum absorption is guaranteed during that hour which quicken the process of healing.  This is particularly useful if you have prescribed an anti-scar gel or cream as it will enhance their effectiveness.


Your skin will start the rejuvenation and repair process. But the difference between normal skin healing and this is that this procedure will extend this process until otherwise directed.


If this treatment is used on a regular basis then the results will appear quickly. You may notice the reduction in your scars within couple of weeks or so but it all depend upon the extent of your scarring.


Generally, the thicker and/or deeper the scar the longer it will take to heal.


You really need to have a realistic expectations regarding this treatment: It is unlikely that this will completely remove scar/s but it will make a difference. Any scars you have will be reduced in size that they can hardly be seen.


The one exception is with minor scars which mostly disappear when treated.


Regular treatments can mean improved skin which maintains this state in several months.


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Derma Rolling Around Eyes

Eye wrinkle care should be part of your every day routine if you are suffering from crows feet and  eye wrinkles. The skin around  eyes is the thinnest skin in our body, and more vulnerable to the forces of nature.


Serums along with derma roller is excellent eye care tool if you are looking ways to reduce fine under eye lines,crows feet, eye bags and dark circles around our eyes.


There are products do wonders to your skin! Using derma roller in conjunction with  Eye Care serum will help improve the absorption of serum active ingredients deep to skin around the eyes. Eye Care serums significantly reduces fine lines, eye bags and dark circles around the eyes.So in addition to all these serum benefits, the derma rolling also triggers collagen production within skin.

Use derma roller around the eye, but not it closer to your eye than where you feel the bone right around the eye.Pull your skin away from the eye with fingers and roll the skin with the other hand.Before and after rolling  apply the eye serum.Use eye derma roller only once every 3 weeks, but keep applying eye serum every day.

Ability to stimulate the skin healing and promote skin metabolism, to maintain skin elasticity. It repair damaged tissue and activate the cells, , directly involved in cell metabolism, to Phytosome, whitening,promotion, anti-aging effects; The unique bio-active ingredients that enhances the promotion of cell-mediated immunity, slows down skin aging, long term to keep the young look.


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Dermarolling for Stretch Marks


A Derma Roller, is actually a needling device that you roll over areas of your body to treat everything from balding and acne to, yes, stretch marks. But it is important to know that the Derma Roller comes in several needle lengths to get the desired result. If you have had a baby, gained a lot of weight, or had a rapid growth in your body you probably have battled the dreaded stretch marks. Stretch marks are very common, and can appear on the arms, breast, stomach, hips, legs and just about anywhere you have skin. If you have them, you know you have tried just about everything to get rid of your stretch marks; but have you tried Derma Rolling?

When using a Derma Roller for stretch marks, you will first need to know how to properly use this tool. As a matter of fact, you will first need to locate one! Don’t worry finding a Derma Roller is actually pretty easy, as long as your familiar with buying this online. The Dr. Roller Derma Roller is actually the most used, most recognized form of the needling roller. If you want proven safe and effective derma roller, you would most likely be purchasing it from Dr.Roller.co.uk . They are not extremely expensive, but for around $50.00 to $100.00 you could own your own complete set of Derma Roller.Once you get this roller in your possession, you may be a little freaked out. There are tons of tiny poking needles all over the roller (thus the name micro needling) and you are expected to roll it all over the area to be treated, which can be sensitive areas, like the inner thighs or behind the knees .


You roll the Derma Roller on your area in different directions, first up and down then side to side and last diagonally in each direction. If you apply very light pressure, this can be done on a regular basis. If you apply medium to hard pressure it is wise and recommenced to only do one treatment a month, to allow skin to full heal. It is also recommended that you stay away from sunlight during this time) and that if using for stretch marks you regularly apply stretch mark cream to the area both immediately after treatment and the days in between treatments.


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Sun Damaged Skin Treatment

Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays of  sun has an ageing effect on our skin. It reduces skins elasticity which means the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.


Another effect of it is age spots which is a pigmentation problem caused by abnormal concentrations of melanin (determines skin colour) in an area of our skin.


If you have bought dermaroller to use at home then find out about how this treatment work by visiting our how to use a dermaroller page.


But if you prefer going on a clinic then read on..


You will be given a topical cream  which helps to numb the skin. Dermarolling procedure is painless but some people find that their skin has sunburnt appearance.


Most people feels a  tingling  or prickling sensation.


Dermaroller is a small, hand held device  which contains micro-needles. There are many kinds of needle lengths which vary according to the nature of  treatment.


For example, deep stretch marks are treated with longer needles, for example 2.0 mm in length while small acne scars may  require 0.5 mm and/or 1.0 mm.


Your colour, skin type, nature of skin problem and your own preference will determine the length of needle used.


The dermaroller is rolled up and down on skin in a series of quick strokes followed by the rubbing in of a vitamin enriched. and this then repeated


The session takes 1 hour.  30 minutes to allow the anaesthetic to work then 30 minutes for the actual treatment.


As the roller moves over our skin it penetrates the pores on the very top layer of skin. It also has the effect of stimulating blood flow to that area as well as the growth of collagen. This then rejuvenates the skin as well as repairing the signs of sun damages.


You will be then advised to use moisturisers on your skin after the treatment to prevent it from drying out. This is an effect which occurs as the skin begins to regenerate over the next few weeks.


It will take weeks before you can notice the improvements on your skin but once they occur then they will last for several months afterwards.


You may need to have additional treatments if you want to maintain these results. And its also important to continue to care of your skin after the treatment to prevent it from becoming dry.


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Collagen Induction Therapy

– used to treat  wrinkles and scars on our face and body. 

 sterile roller with tiny or micro-needles is gently passed over the area to create tiny punctures or channels into the deeper layer of our skin.  This creates small injury to our dermis, which results in the stimulation of our body’s own production of collagen.  Procedure takes fr ten minutes to 1 hour, depending on area to be treated.  Results can take from 3 to nine 9 to fully appear as our body takes time to generate new collagen.  The patient notices continual improvement.  A controlled and double-blind study has shown an average of 205% of new, naturally produced collagen and elastin fibers six to eight weeks after a Collagen Induction Therapy.  In contrast and to conventional treatments like peels or laser resurfacing, CIT is non-ablative and achieves results without burning or removing our superficial epidermis.

The procedure usually requires numbing or anesthetic cream in some areas and will take effect after 30 – 45 minutes.  A face is dermarollered in about 25 minutes and patients experience less pain and report no side effects.

Immediately after procedure, our skin usually turns pinkish to redish and has minimal swelling.  Normal moisturizer,  sunscreen and cleanser can be immediately used  after the procedure.

Social down time in general is 1 afternoon, and next day you are back to work with  light makeup.  (Use  SPF 30 or greater sunscreen).


Advantages of C I T

> Short healing period, 24 hours of downtime

> Cost effective

> Can be used in thin skin

> No permanent damage on skin

> The treatment is painless with proper anesthesia

> Can be used on all areas of our body, including the chest, arms, hands, face, neck,

abdomen and thighs

> Can be safely repeated for much better results

> Safe to use on laser resurfaced skin


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