Treating Hair Loss

Hair loss occurs in lots of people, especially mens, who are particularly prone due to a condition called  ‘androgenetic alopecia’. It is due to male hormones  “androgens” which impairs the normal hair loss/growth cycle and prevent new hair being grown.


Hairs are shed as part of this cycle but no new hair are grown to replace this which results to thinning hair and eventual loss.


This is a  condition that starts in puberty and continues into adulthood and middle age. Losing your hair, a tendency to forget things and a spreading waistline   are signs of growing older.


There are many types of treatments available for hair loss which includes dermarolling. Dermaroller helps to reduce hair loss and boosts new hair growth.


It can also treat bald patches, receding hairlines , alopecia and thinning, brittle hair.


The dermaroller is a handheld roller which is applied in back and forward motion across the skin. This is done several times  and feels like a tickling sensation.


It contains micro-needles which prick the top layer of your skin but without causing  damage. It opens up the pores of the skin which allows maximum absorption of  skincare and  haircare products such as vitamin enriched moisturizers.


In this kind of situation the dermaroller is used on your scalp but can also be used across many other areas of the body such as the arms and legs, face  and abdomen, .


In this treatment, dermaroller is passed across our scalp with the aim of stimulating circulation to ensure that  hair follicles receive an ample blood supply  . This enhancement will trigger the follicles with new hair growth.


Plus it will also stimulate production of collagen which improves elasticity, skin tone and appearance.


The  result is reduced hair loss. You need to continue with this treatment in order to maintain good results. So get have a series of treatments on a regular basis or purchase a home use dermaroller.

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