Cellulite Treatment with Dr. Roller

Cellulite is an ‘orange peel’ effect seen on abdomen, buttocks and thighs  which gives your skin dimpled appearance. Its considered to be an important factor on issues to do with confidence, body image and self-esteem.


It is not a medical condition but  its the name given on the effect caused when fat underneath your skin pushes against this causing it to develop an dimpled and uneven appearance.

This subcutaneous fat is actually series of 3 layers which lies underneath the dermis and epidermis. It is structured as large chambers  surrounded by strands of connective tissue and act as storage for fat.

These chamber  is larger in women than men which why women have  greater tendency on cellulite. Plus  the fact that women have greater amounts of body fats compared in men and tend to store this around the thighs, hips  and buttocks.

It is rare on men to get a cellulite. Few unlucky males do but they are in minority. The way we store fat is determined by hormones,genetics, metabolism and our lifestyle. A lack of exercise, poor diet,  insufficient hydration and a genetic inheritance means that you are at risk of developing cellulites. And changes with in the subcutaneous fat layers can cause an increase of fat and  reduction in flexibility in connective tissues: these rigid strands of tissue mean that pockets of fat form and bulge up against our skin.

Lifestyle factors are  cause but also hormones, in particular the female hormone estrogen. And, unfortunately, this is where women lose out as it fluctuates at  times throughout their life.

Poor lifestyle can cause cellulite but even a exercise and a healthy diet cant prevent us from developing this condition. It can improve it but  does not get rid of it.

Even fit female develop cellulite.

If your mother or any  female relatives have cellulite then you will surley follow the same pattern. Even if we are slim and trim this does not protect you against it.

An answer to the problem of cellulite is Dr. Roller dermaroller. This handheld device penetrates top layer of your skin but without any bleeding or pain.

This results a series of tiny  wounds which also stimulate production of elastin and collagen, (substances within the skin which are essential for its strength and flexibility.)

As new collagen is grown it causes the skin become stronger, thicker and elastic. It also improves circulation of blood and gives a youthful glow to skin.


A vitamin based  cream is applied to the skin following the treatment which helps lubricate the skin and further aids collagen growth.

Cellulite, along with stretch marks and deep seated scars  requires a dermaroller with longer micro-needle, sized needle.

Regular sessions of dermarolling means a reduction in cellulite and get better looking skin. It also works in conjunction with anti-cellulite creams and it can boost their effectiveness.


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Derma Roller to Treat Atrophic Scars

Scar is a natural part of the healing process of injured skin.

Two main types of scars:   Hypertrophic and Atrophic.


Hypertrophic scars will occur when the body over produces collagen, which causes scar to be raised above our skin. Atrophic scars are the opposite: they are caused by  loss of tissue and result in a valley or hole on skin.


Acne Scars are  the most common type of atrophic scars. These created when the skin has been unable to full repair itself to the point its was before an acne outbreak. Its a  common condition and when present on the face in particular, it can  be emotionally stressful and causes self-confidence issues.



Derma rolling are particularly effective in treating Atrophic scars. The needles of the roller gently encourage your acne scarring or pitted scarring to fill up and drastically reduce in appearance by increasing collagen level in the skin, triggering it to renew itself.


Use a derma roller of at least 0.5mm the size or lenght. The more deep the scar is, the longer the needles should be. For scars on the face use  a 1.0mm roller. You can also use a 1.5mm but it is usually reserved for deep scars or stretch marks. A 0.5mm roller may be used up to 3 times per week, whereas a 1.0mm should only be used once a week.

Apply Vitamin C  regularly on the skin, especially in the days before derma rolling.Vit C is essential for the synthesis of collagen, but is not naturally present in our body.

Using topical products that are targeted for treating scars may speed up the healing process.If the scar is also  hyper-pigmented and dark , a lightening agent should be used as well.

Initial results are expected within a few weeks, but continuous using in several months is often required to achieve significant improvement. Deep scars are not likely to disappear entirely, but mostly they are faded out so much that it can barely seen.


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Treating Ageing skin with Dr. Roller



The skin serves as a  visible reminder of the ageing process. Age spots, lines, wrinkles,  and sagging areas of flesh are reminders of the passing of time which affects all of us.

While most of us would rather not to grow old the fact remains that it is a process which we can’t avoid. Its a part of our life and those of everyone else on this planet but there are ways to minimize the effects.

One of these anti-ageing methods is dermarolling.


The skin ageing process


So what happens to your skin as we grow old?

The cause of ageing is a decrease in collagen production in our skin. This is not a problem for young people as their skin on a regular basis are capable of producing collagen. This helps to keep their skin supple, smooth and full of vitality.

A young skin is firm and durable. But collagen production slows over time which means tired looking, thin skin containing  wrinkles. This is a sign of ageing. This signs of ageing are more noticeable around our mouth, across the forehead and the eyes (crow’s feet). Also appear at the corners of our mouth. When skin loses elasticity, it starts to sag. Particularly affected areas are the neck and underneath the eyes. There are people who doesn’t like sagging skin under the eyes also known as ‘eyebags’ or the infamous ‘second chin’ (sagging flesh below the chin).


Causes of skin ageing

Reduced  production of collagen is one cause but others include lifestyle factors and genetics.

There’s a little you can do about your genes in regards to ageing. These genes will determine the ageing patterns in regards to our skin and other parts of our body and will be mirrored down generations.


So if your parents aged  with only a minimal lines and wrinkles then you are likely to be the same. But the ageing process of our skin can be speeded up by our lifestyle. Vices, stress, late nights, lack of exercise and excess sun exposure.


Dermaroller is a very effective way of treating ageing skin. Using device every day to help reduce wrinkles fine and lines   which are obvious sign of ageing.


Rolling this device several times on your skin will stimulate collagen production which  acts as anti-ageing solution. It causes the skin to become stronger and tighter  which eradicates wrinkles and lines.


The skin becomes thicker, younger looking as well. If you are using a home dermaroller then be careful  using it around the eyes. Avoid using it on eyelids and take equal care if rolling it around lips. Do not touch the lips with it.


Dermaroller is applied a few times to our skin and is then followed by the application of a vitamin based creams. This will help to moisturize the skin and provided some support for collagen growth.


What dermaroller does is to create thousands of little puncture in the skin but without bleeding. The wounds then allow moisturizers and other skincare products to be absorbed at a much greater rates. The increased absorption means that the products are able to reach deeper layers of skin where they are to be most effective. They also enhances the effects of any anti-ageing cream or lotion.


Its a good idea to get into a routine of using a vitamin based moisturizing cream each time you use it. This applies to home use dermarollers and treatment carried at a private clinic.


Results of skin treatment with dermaroller


The results will vary according to our skin type. The extent of the ageing process on our skin. And it is important to remember that we all react in different ways in treatment and that means that some other people will show faster results than others. If a dermaroller is used daily then you will see the effects faster. The reason for this is that wrinkles, crows feet and lines, are caused by natural processes within the skin and not via external strains and stresses, e.g. stretch marks.


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Derma Rolling Benefits

The first thing you need to know about micro-needling or dermarolling technology is that it is 100% safe, even safer than the dermatological treatments you get at the facial care centers.

That’s because dermarolling is not intended to be an invasive procedure: all you need to do is to help your skin heal itself and to jumpstart the natural process of skin rejuvenation . This is achieved through creating tiny pinpricks on your skin surface by using either a derma stamp or a derma roller. These tiny pinpricks open up skin’s pores, stimulating  lower layers and speeding up the production of collagen .

While the treatment may hurt at the first time, you soon won’t mind it when you see the results afterwards, benefits out weigh any temporary discomfort. Dermarolling is one of do-it-yourself procedures that really deliver noticeable changes to  skin right after the very  first treatment.


Here’s a few of the specific benefits that you can get only through Derma rolling:


#1 – Dermarolling allows our skin to soak up moisturizers and serums better.


By creating channels on the top layer of the skin, dermarolling allows beauty products to work deep into the skin more effectively and faster. Even the most expensive moisturizers can only do so much when it’s simply sitting on top of the skin.


 #2 – Smooths wrinkles, acne scars, bumps and stretch marks.


Tired of feeling and seeing patches of uneven texture on your skin whenever you put on your favorite  lotion or moisturizer? Allergic reactions, Acne and dirt can cause our skin to pucker up, resulting in small pits and bumps. Microneedling stimulates your skin to heal itself  better and faster.

#3 – Create a better canvas for makeup.


 Say goodbye to dark blotches and uneven skin tone  after your regular dermarolling treatments. Once the skin is primed to produce more collagen, soon you will  see how much more smooth and supple  it is as you do your daily makeup routine.

 #4 – Give skin a better shot at ageing gracefully.


We all want to turn back the time when it comes to ageing, but micro needling or derma rolling is best to slow it down. Investing in a good skin care problem today will lessen  chances of experiencing dermatological troubles in the future. Use derma rolling with your favorite beauty products and you’re all set for beautiful years ahead.



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When comparing derma stamp to derma roller, both work by puncturing your skin through tiny yet effective needles. The pin prick sensation that comes in each micro needling treatment is the first step in restoring your skin’s optimal condition. The tiny puncture holes goes right into your dermis, where collagen production starts. Each tiny prick will push the collagen and blood supply to the upper surfaces of the skin, making it look younger and more beautiful.

The results you can get from either procedure is  will also be more or less consistent. The skin tissue is not severely damaged by the needles so you will not have to wait days or few weeks before you can see the results.

What difference, if any, will you encounter as you choose between derma roller  vs derma stamp Image

Dermastamp The design and shape of one tool varies from that to the other. The dermaroller has a head simillar to a barrel  full of small needles that roll over your face as it creates the pinpricks or tiny punctures. On the other hand, the dermastamp has a flat head on w/c the needles rested, you can simply stamp it instead of rolling the tool across the area to be treated, .


There are some different needle lengths available for both, so choose the best one that will suit your specific skin care concern and the area you are planning to treat. Smaller needles are recommended for facial micro needling because the skin in the face is much thinner than the face, neck or your back.


Both roller requires a little bit of pressure to work. The treated area will look reddish after the treatment, and it might even draw little blood. That is normal. It means that natural skin rejuvenation process is beginning, and the miracles of our own body healing itself rapidly are already starting.

While derma roller provides efficient coverage and good grip, derma stamp can be more productive when working with particular areas repeatedly, such as the backs of your shoulders or the forehead. For weekly or daily skin maintenance, the dermaroller is more preferred because it covers a bigger area of the skin in shorter time.

Some users report that  dermastamp is  less painful than the dermaroller, but your experience will definitely be affected by the needle lengths that you will use as well as the amount of pressure applied on the tool as it goes into contact with our skin.


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Stay away from Chinese manufactured replica Dr. roller! Genuine Dr. roller is serving UK now! | WWW.DRROLLER.CO.UK

Stay away from Chinese manufactured replica Dr. roller! Genuine Dr. roller is serving UK now! | WWW.DRROLLER.CO.UK

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UK’s Top Selling Derma Rollers Comparison


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To know about needle size to use!

To know about needle size to use!

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Get Online Derma Roller Seller Ratings

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You can be sure of the quality and the service that dermarollerreview.co.uk when it comes to providing unbiased and objective comparisons for the different derma rollers sold in the market or online. Enjoy your browsing and allow dermarollerreview.co.uk to help you find the perfect product for you.

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Genuine Dr. roller is NOW available at WWW.DRROLLER.CO.UK

Genuine Dr. roller is NOW available at WWW.DRROLLER.CO.UK

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